My beloved followers,
Hope this email finds you well. As you probably know, a few months ago I
published a new book: The Mamma Mia! Diet, Eat Pasta, Enjoy Wine and
Lose Weight
I am thrilled to announce to you that it is already a best seller on
Amazon, next to Nigella Lawson (what a honor!), see the below picture!
This is a testemant of how good the book is, so don’t miss the opportunity to buy it! The kindle edition is only 0.99
dollars until the beginning of May.
If you have already bought it, then first thank you! If you like it, I ask you to please write a review on Amazon so that I will be abe to grow more and reach more health conscious individuals!
Thank you so MUCH for your support over these years, without you I would
not be here writing this email.
Pasta and wine… two of my favorite things! 😀
So the perfect diet for you Grace 🙂
Congrats, Paola!
Thanks Frank 🙂
Perfetto ! Grazie e tornero !