This delicious salad celebrates summer with its aroma and flavor. It is a perfect vegetarian dish that you can easily take to work or on a summer picnic. Lentils have a marvelous nutritional profile: whilst 30% of its energy comes from protein, the remainder is primarily a high-quality resistant starch, a carbohydrate which passes the…
Insalata con Lenticchie, Ciliege e Rucola (Lentils, Cherries and Arugula Salad)
This delicious salad celebrates summer with its color, aroma and flavor. Cherries are one of my favorites summer fruits. July is the best month for cherries, they are just ripe : very colorful, juicy, tasty and rich in a lot of nutrients: antioxidants, vitamins (especially C and carotenoids), fiber, minerals (in particular potassium) and melatonin….
Cotechino in Crosta con Lenticchie (Cotechino in Puff Pastry with Lentils)
Happy New Year all my beloved readers. Buon Anno! Tonight I am going to serve cotechino in crostra with lenticchie. Cotechino (the Italian fresh pork sausage) in puff pastry is a tasty and appetizing idea to enjoy the traditional cotechino and lentils during the Christmas holidays, and particularly at New Year’s Eve. According to the…
Lenticchie in Umido (Lentil Stew)
This lentil stew is a tasty and comforting recipe that was always present on our dinner table on New Year’s Eve. Lentils are usually served on New Year’s Eve as they are thought to bring good luck and money, regardless if they do, they are delicious. Traditionally my mom made this recipe with bacon. Instead,…
Insalata di Lenticchie (Lentil Salad)
This lentil salad with fresh vegetables is a refreshing, summertime dish that you can enjoy either as a main course accompanied by cheese, or served as a side dish. This is a recipe you can prepare in advance and stored in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. It is quick and easy, in fact, it is…